Photo: Andres Putting, Delfi |
decided to leave the European Union so that the British would no
longer have to pay for building Polish roads and would no longer have
to accept Poles in UK. When will a time come when they will decide
that they no longer want to pay to protect Poland from Russia?
has no impact on NATO, everybody repeated after the British
referendum on EU membership. In the short run it may be true but in
the long run I'm afraid that the Special Relationship (SP) with US
will go and UK will cease to play an oversized role in NATO.
has been moving the same direction as other Western European
countries, like Netherlands, that have been cutting their defense
spending. US spends 3,6% of its GDP on defense, but it gets in return
the mightiest military in the world. This gives US a lot of clout in
the world and gives Americans that feeling of a special nation that
they desire. Netherlands, on the other hand, spends 1,16% of GDP on
defense. This gives them only a token military, but they don't need
more because they live in a very quiet neighborhood. If they would
choose to spend 3,6% on military like the Americans it would be just
as exhausting for the economy but Netherlands would never get
anything near the influence that spending gives the Americans. So why
bother with military?
was spending
around 2% of GDP on military in 2015 but this percentage has
been declining for years. It's not just about saving money but also
about changing mentality.
losing the empire UK started searching for a global role and found it
in Special Relationship. It gave London more clout and this special
feeling of being important. UK was a major power in Europe during the
cold war and remained important in former colonies in Africa.
over time things changed. End of the Cold War left the feeling that
security issues have been mostly solved. Tony Blair's attempt to
strengthen the SP by going to war in Iraq next to Americans left a
bitter taste. Brits were getting the feeling that defense spending
doesn't really justify itself. This was no longer about the anti-war
left because the Tory government of David Cameron also ruthlessly cut
defense spending.
clear mentality change has been taking place. British elite has
difficulty understanding what military is for because they no longer
think like a great power, but as a great trading nation. For
instance, there was a surprising discussion about whether Britain
should renew its nuclear deterrent because it was deemed too
expensive. They discussed
it with all seriousness in a world where several potentially
hostile nations want nuclear weapons and several others already have
them. UK is building two big aircraft carriers but there
is some confusion whether they will actually have any aircraft on
them. Budget cuts were so bad that US president Barack Obama had
to threaten Cameron that he calls SP finished when UK cuts
defense spending below 2% of GDP. We have several signs that the
British people and also the British elite no longer consider defense
important and don't understand why would they need to pay for it.
imagine now that post-Brexit UK has slow growth and a growing budget
deficit, yet they still need to keep defense spending at 2% or the
Americans will get angry at them. When will a time come when the
British will decide that SP just isn't so important to them and that
they would rather work harder on those trade agreements with India
and China? If this moment comes it will be because of social
development in the UK that has been taking place over the years.
British euroscepticism also built up over the years, yet most people
didn't believe that a decision to leave the EU was really possible.
end of the Special Relationship would probably be triggered by an
external crisis where US would ask British help but the British would
think about it and decide that they actually don't want to get
involved. This almost happened in 2013 when the British parliament
didn't want to attack Syria. If it happens again the fallout might be
much bigger. Once the SP is finished one can expect British defense
spending to fall rapidly and then it's all finished and Britain has
again become trading nation on a small island.
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